Our Growing Community is Mushrooming.

Ellijay mushrooms can be found in 40+ stores, restaurants, CSAs and markets across the Southeast—local chefs, farmers and customers alike loves preparing and eating Ellijay’s fresh fungi. Celebrating growth and connection through excellent, high quality and healthy food is part of the Ellijay Growing Experience.

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Mushrooms grown with fresh mountain water just taste better.

We focus on our employees,
the communities we serve,
our customers & our suppliers.

Sustainable Practices & Land Stewardship.

As you can imagine, the environment is critical to our success, so our practices of growing and harvesting are aligned with our values of sustainability and land stewardship.

We love where we are and want to keep Georgia beautiful while also providing beneficial mushrooms to our communities.

Mushrooming Diversity & Inclusion.

Diversity. Inclusion.
They’re more than just words for us.
To be engaged, you must feel included and valued. Creating an environment where everyone,
from any background,
can do their best work is
the right thing to do.

Wherever you find us, our packaging is made with 100% recycled materials.